Tongue Ties
A tongue tie is when the band of tissue underneath the tongue is too short or tight, causing a limited range of motion and compensations. It leads to a cascade of health issues
"To be "mildly" tongue tied is like being "mildly" pregnant. You either are or you are not. No matter how mild, can end up being problematic"
- Dr. Bobby Ghaheri
You do not outgrow, or stretch a tongue tie. It is often misdiagnosed or missed.
Tongue tie releases can have a huge impact on health and wellness.
When the tongue's range of motion is restricted, surrounding muscles will find a new and improper way way to get the job done, causing a cascade of compensations throughout the body
The tongue is connected to every muscle, bone, artery, organ, and nerve through that fascia (A thin casing of connective tissue) Restriction in one place will cause restriction in other places as well as compensations
This can impact
Proper craniofacial development and airways
When muscles compensate or are restricted (tongue tie or lip tie), orofacial muscle tone can be weak or overused, causing an imbalance throughout the body and dysfunction. Muscles become dysfunctional and can cause improper chewing, swallowing, breathing, and proper oral rest posture
Myofunctional disorders are improper orofacial muscle(muscles of the head and neck) function and weak ,overused, or improperly used, muscles that interfere with proper breathing, chewing, swallowing, and growth and development of skeletal airways and jaws
Orofacial dysfunction needs to be addressed with a myofunctional therapy program (integrative) to fix orofacial dysfunction and a release provider may be recommended to release the tie. If a release is recommended, myofunctional therapy is needed before and after procedure for proper healing of the wound and muscle rehabilitation
Untreated tongue ties can lead to
Mouth breathing
Gassy, colic, fussy
Latch issues
Picky or messy eating
Issues with textures
Ear infections
Digestive issues
Sinus issues
Headaches and migraines
Teeth grinding
TMJ issues/disorders
Sleep disorders/disordered breathing
Poor posture
Improper development of the jaws and airways
Speech issues
Neck and back pain
Improper swallowing